Tyrolean textured finish

It has an open honeycomb texture and can sometimes be referred to as a ‘fine’ rough cast.

It is a decorative render finish which can be applied to a new or existing base coat render. Applied using an open-Hopper or Spraying machine, a compressor-powered render gun, or manually using a Tyrolean flicker gun.

Pebble Dash

Pebble Dash, also known as roughcast, is a wall covering typically found on exterior walls. It's a decorative gravel finish applied to a render coat on buildings. Pebbles are tossed and pushed into two coats of a lime and sand foundation.

The result is a wall covered in tiny, smooth pebbles. Some masons consider pebble dashing to be an art form, and they can make their own special blend of base coat.

Pebble dash dates back to the 1920s when builders would use it to cover old bricks on the outside of a building. Aside from pebble dash, property owners occasionally use stucco, render or brick to cover external surfaces.

Lime Render

A lime rendered finish is both durable and beautiful and helps pre 1900 buildings remain dry and healthy.

Older buildings such as those made from cob and stone have no damp proof course and often suffer from moisture wicking up from the ground so a lime finish enables the building to shed such moisture through evaporation. This provides a comfortable space internally as the lime helps regulate moisture vapour, rather than harbouring a clammy atmosphere.

When undertaking a lime rendering project, we strip and repair the area before applying a key or scat coat followed by three coats of lime render. We use two base coats which have plenty of hair in to add tensile durability and a sponged top coat to leave your walls looking beautiful and smooth.

Cement & Sand Render

Cement and sand render is one of the traditional and standard types of rendering which is popular among homeowners who are looking for a budget friendly solution. They are mixed on site and are usually applied in several coats, and then painted once dry. Continuous maintenance is necessary to keep them looking their best.